
OMG, this site is about Danie's Tokoyopop novel, BEloveD.
Feel free to check back for regular updates


Holy crap! This is the site for BEloveD, my in-progress novel for Tokyopop! If you want to know more about it, check out the cast and about pages! I'm really excited that this whole thing is going so well, and I really hope Tokyopop decides to accept it!
If you want to read excerpts from the novel, check out the read page! Yay! I don't think I'll be able to post the whole thing here, but I'll post bits and pieces for those who are interested!
 You can check out my download and media sitemy personal site and my crazy OMG everything is rainbow site, too, even though they have nothing to do with the novel, just because I love to pimp my sites! Yay!
Thanks for stopping by! I LOVE YOU!


BEloveD and characters ©2007-2008 Danie McCafferty
If you want to use something from the site or story, ask permission! You can do so by contacting me at